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How To Free Your Prop From a Tangled Rope

‘Cast off the bow line,’ I called. I waited for the line to sink and engaged forward gear to leave our marina berth in the Mediterranean. I should have waited longer. Suddenly, the engine died as the fixed mooring line was now firmly wrapped around the three-blade propeller of our Whitby 42every skipper remember the feeling when a rope got tangled in is boats prop for the first time, the engine either shuts down or starts to make funny noises and we lose propulsion. This post will look at the possible damage that may be caused from a tangled rope in the prop and suggest a few methods that may avoid rope tangling in the prop and some methods of how you can release the rope quickly and safely.The first thing to do in order to check it a rope has tangled in the prop and the engine shuts down because of the load it puts on the engine into neutral and start it again if the engine starts and keeps RPM probably you have a rope tangled in the prop try to engage the clutch and sense what happens if the engine shuts down immediately (and there is no other problem like lack of fuel or air in the fuel system) its almost certain the we have a tangled rope in our prop and we have start think are are we going to do about it.First thing is to get the boat to a stop position either by heaving to(if we are in the mid of the ocean) or if close to shore anchor the boat. now that the boat is in a hold position let's examine our optionsThe first thing to do is to prepare a long utility rope that will be tied to the boat at one end using a bow line and using a second bow line knot to tie yourself at the other end for safety . then make a quick dive to for assessment.secondly prepare your breathing system three options there. the traditional free dive option, the scuba dive option (you should always keep at the boat some scuba equipment which can be a small Pony or a mini B which is a full scuba diving gear in backpack )( See Pics)

and the long snorkeling option. the long snorkeling option involves preparing a long hosepipe (about 3meters) with a with a strap that will be tied on the push-pit connected to the snorkel mouth mouthpiece. this simple breathing system will allow you to stay under water for longer periods then free dive. do not forget the mask fins and weight belt.

following your assessment there are a few option the traditional option using a sharp knife. if we have an end of the tangled rope free\salient you can attach to it a second rope from the boat using a double sheet band knot (or any other knot that can connect them firmly tougher) and then use the other end of the rope together with the winch to slowly untangle the tangled rope form the prop. The third and most unusual way will be to be using a hand flare from the pyrotechnic kit which will burns underwater at about 1600°C and will cut almost any material (be careful not to look directly into the flame and use gloves) but this method helped me more the once to get the job done in a manner way.

Always remember to check the prop and shaft alignment and water leak through prop shaft before turning the engine again. you do so by turning it with you hand and to check that there are no water licking from the prop shaft before turning the engine on and engaging the prop.

In order to avoid ropes tangled in your prop you can install a rope cutter there are many types there in the market and we will discuss the affectivity of the on one of our future posts

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